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Mor Chia ke photo


"Mor chia ke photo Lena hai ka( do you want to click my baby chicken's photo)?" He asked hesitantly.

He said that it is wild chicken's baby which was lying alone in the forest when he had accompanied his parents to collect forest produce, a major source of livelihood for them. He seemed fond of chick.


Without saying anything further, he headed towards the little hut, indicating us to follow him. With pride, he said, "E ghar la main banaye hon ( I have built the house)". He is six years old preschooler belonging to the Adiwasi community from the tribal village Khadadaah, in Dhamtari district of Chhattisgarh.


These experiences/play form his personality and base of his way of expression which him different/special/unique.

Can't help but wonder- what does he feel in the current schooling era, where he receives out of context and readymade knowledge, very different from his own experiences?, Do his experiences get celebrated and make their way to the classrooms/textbooks when there is no or very little space for expression for children coming from such background?

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