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Collaboration with parents


​Collaboration with parents, community, and other stakeholders who are key to the learning and development of children, is another area where Avaniti has a strong emphasis. The organization believes in learning which accommodates contexts, social and cultural aspects of the community the children come from. And this is possible by actively involving parents in school and learning process where they are not just a participant but is also identifies him/herself as an active contributor. Avaniti focuses on working with parents and the community to give early education and childhood a new paradigm where every child grows to the best of her potential. 

Material development


Avaniti focuses on working with collaborators to develop contextual teaching-learning materials that can be used to make learning more fun. The materials are unique and developed in such a way that they aid in the exploration and learning processes of children based on their interests.

Research and Advocacy


Literature and researches in the field of early education are very few especially in the Indian context. The organization is dedicated to make effort towards generating researches and case studies in early education capturing the experiences of diverse sections of society with an emphasis on disadvantaged people.   

Collaboration with children


Avaniti believes in children’s right to learn by exploring their language, culture, and surroundings naturally and become a collaborator in the entire process rather than a passive receiver. The organization works with the children of govt. Anganwadi towards making early education contextual and meaningful. Avaniti plans and executes the curricular activities, learning outcome, and pedagogical processes by keeping children’s rights, interests, and context into focus.

Collaboration with teachers​​


Teachers or Anganwadi workers are the ones who work on the ground to ensure the implementation of policies and programs. They are the ones behind the schooling and education of children from diverse backgrounds residing in challenging geography. Considering the important role of teachers, it is necessary that they are professionally qualified and are also undergoing continuous professional support. Avaniti works with teachers based on their needs to ensure that they could make justice to their responsibilities. The organization offers in-service workshops, refresher courses, teaching-learning materials, and other required supports to teachers.

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